Seattle Ticker

Daisypath Vacation tickers

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Cup of Happiness

Today there is reason to celebrate in my world, the return of the Starbucks RED cup!  While on my 6 mile "easy run" this morning around GreenLake, I was a little grumpy until I saw what I thought and knew to be... a red cup!  I know this may seem very trivial and silly and a complete buy in to marketing techniques but I say the red cup is so much more than that.  To me it is the beginning of the holiday season, and I don't just mean Christmas.  Thanksgiving is only a few weeks away and honestly my favorite holiday of the season.  To me the red cup is a sign that the holidays are here, memories will be made, amazing food will be shared and a bit of magic is in the air.  I can tell you that the red cup also has memories attached to it.  I remember countless times with friends over a red cup, shopping trips, hair appointments or just something to keep my hands warm.  But don't worry too much, I can't bring myself to get a holiday flavored treat inside the red cup just yet, that would just be wrong.  Besides what is wrong with a little PSL (Pumpkin Spice Latte) in November?  Absolutely nothing, especially if you are drinking it from a RED cup!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sarah! So happy you are back with the blog. I just re-visited your blog and caught up. Love the house and the new dog and happy you back into running! xoxoxox :)
