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Saturday, November 3, 2012

Better late than never 30 days of Thanks

At her surprise 60th birthday party.  Me, Sue and Marsha

I know I have been long absent, and I promise more about that later, but I'm going to try this 30 days of thanks thing first!  So I am starting a few days late but these first few days of November I am very very thankful for my future mother in law Sue Donaldson!

These first few days of November have been a little difficult because we found out our wedding venue will be closing at the end of November and we will need to find a new venue and possibly new date for  our wedding.

As you can imagine this was not the best news to receive for any bride.  However, I was with Sue when I came to learn this information and she has been so helpful and supportive.   I can't even begin to describe all of the amazing things Sue does for her family.  She is a wife, mother, grandmother, counselor and friend.  Here is to an amazing woman!!  I am so happy and honored to engaged to her son and a future Donaldson.

Thank you Sue!!!!!!!