It seems like everyday there are more and more signs of Spring! Although it is true it has been quite rainy here in the late winter and early Spring (more so than normal) it also seems like we are starting to have more sunny days. Nothing like my friends and family have been experiencing in the midwest and east coast... sunny and 75 on St. Patrick's Day??? No fair, it snowed here that day!! But alas, we are enjoying the weather now!!! And here are some pictures with the proof.
Hercules and Roscoe posing by some daffodils after a walk around the lake
Local crew team practicing on GreenLake
Beautiful azalea tree in a neighbors yard
Plum blossoms on my street!!!
Our tree (magnolia??) getting ready to bloom, I know it's going to burst open any day now
Other pretty green plants in our yard
Daffodils on the side yard
What I think will be tulips next to where our crocuses lived before someone ruined them
We also have high hopes of planting a garden in our yard in a few weeks with peas, squash, zucchini, carrots and who knows what else, I am hoping for a dahlia or two!! I will of course be blogging about this adventure in the coming weeks. Ryan's mom says that perfect planting time is Mother's Day weekend here so we still have a little bit to decide what and where to plant, or where we can put a garden the dogs won't eat/pee on ;)
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