Last Sunday I put all my training and hard work running for the last several months to the test. I ran the Seattle Half Marathon. It wasn't my first 13.1, but it was the first one I have done in three and a half years. Needless to say, I was SUPER nervous. Ryan was amazing as a supporter through everything. He had been training to run the half too, but got sick a few weeks ago and wasn't able to train like he wanted to. It was a game time decision for him, but he decided not to do it, but it was going to help me and be my cheerleader! This began with going to the expo. Okay, so for those of you that have never run a large marathon/half marathon the expo is a big deal. You pick up your packet and usually end up spending a lot of money on running things that you absolutely MUST have. I would urge you to use any restraint. I however, do not have any. I bought several sparkly headbands (I mean who doesn't need them right???) and seriously considered signing up for several half marathons and marathons. Ryan enjoyed the expo too, we spent a lot of time there and probably a little too much money.
Banners for the marathon through the whole city
Next up, a sleepless night of tossing and turning and wondering if I had trained enough, if I have the right clothes to wear, what if I sleep through my alarm and miss this (I've worked so hard), what if we can't find parking and I have to run to the start, what if I get hurt. Alarm goes off at 5:55am, time to get ready and push all the what ifs away! It's game time! I start my quinoa in the microwave and drink a little water with a nuun tablet. I make my race water bottle with another nuun tablet and get dressed. It's an unexpected 51 degrees so I opt for my black running crops, the official race shirt (very nice by the way) and my black vest. And of course my new sparkly black headband. Shoes on, bib on, timing chip on my ankle, time to leave! Ryan drove to the start and made sure I got in line okay and met up with Mike, my friend Karen's fiancee who was going to run with her bib and with me for awhile. Ryan got this great snapshot of me in the corral.
I look like I am ready! All nerves gone, it's all fun now!!
And we are off!! The race starts at Seattle Center and runs down Fifth Ave through downtown. I start out strong but at about 2 miles I realize this new fangled timing chip is kind of hurting my ankle. At 3 miles I stop to adjust it and find blood running down my ankle, fantastic, but it feels much better after the adjustment. Then it's on to I-90 and through the tunnel, that part was pretty cool, how often do you get to run on the highway? Then the course turns north through a park and very nice neighborhood along the lake. Just after mile 5 I hear someone calling my name, it's Ryan's dad! Hi Bob! Sure I will stop for a picture. I feel good!
Mile 5 photo op!
Okay, back to the course, it's about to get hilly!! As we climb and wind through interlaken and the arboretum, I know there is still a BIG hill to come. As we leave the arboretum (which was really beautiful by the way, a really pretty part of the course) I see people turning left up Galer and I do mean UP! This hill was a monster, but I did it! Mostly because of my cheerleader at my side but I did it, I ran the whole hill and then some before taking a quick break for water and a final GU. We are at mile 10 already, I can't believe it! Then before we know it we are making the big turn down along I-5 and towards downtown. Again between miles 11 and 12 I hear my name again, it's Ryan's mom Sue! Hi Sue! I am really glad to see another friendly face at this point. This was the hardest part for me, I was so wet and ready to be done.
Almost there! Only two tenths of a mile to go!
As we wind through the end and head towards the finish line I smell the most delicious smell ever. I ask Ryan what it is, he says to look at the building next to me, I see the Hostess factory. YUMMY! I want some goodies now! But I am almost done just a half mile left . As we make the final turn towards the end there is one last hill. Really! Is this really necessary? It was a killer since I was so close to being done, but I got through it and made the real last turn toward the finish line. Time to turn on the burners and go all out. Time to revert to my days as a sprinter and time to beat anyone and everyone in my eyesight!! I cross the finish line and am immediately handed a medal and a warming blanket. Then Ryan is by my side for a kiss. He is so proud of me and my training. I feel so happy to be done and to feel good at the finish line. In the recovery area we stock up on water, bananas, Jamba Juice and meet up with Bob and Sue again. As we leave they have computers to check your official time. Although it was definitely not my fastest (remember all those hills) it wasn't my worst either and most importantly I had a negative split. I ran the second half 3 minutes faster than the first half (and that's where all those hills were!) After seeing that stat I am ready to recover and then take on the Marathon! Bring it!!!